Query Monitor Algolia

One of the joys with my day job at WebDevStudios is the chance to work with and support Algolia Search. I’ve even posted about it a few times in the past here on the site. You can check those with the “algolia” tag. Not only did I get to work with it for clients, but Read More…

5FTF recap for February 26th, 2021

My #5FTF participation kind of sputtered out in the last half of 2020. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as most of it was either because I had higher priority client work to take care of, or holidays and PTO happened to fall on the same days and I looked forward to the extra Read More…

5FTF recap for July 31st, 2020

A bit of a recap delay for July’s entry, but that’s okay. The beat goes on the code goes too. The CPTUI-Extended evolution continued this month. There was some considerable pivot in the Gutenberg/React aspect because I wanted to get things working more than I wanted to handle the block a certain way. I had Read More…

5FTF recap for May 29th, 2020

This month continued the overarching theme of myself getting more involved and learning modern day javascript. However, I did not make use of the time for some personal project or plugin, instead I started my strongest bid for getting CPTUI-Extended pulled into the modern WordPress world. If you’re not sure what that is, it’s a Read More…

5FTF recap for April 24th, 2020

Over the past couple of months, I have been allowed time to begin better learning modern WordPress technologies like React and more specifically Gutenberg development. This has been time allowed during the work day, mostly on Fridays, so that I can be better prepared for potential clients coming into Maintainn from WebDevStudios that make use Read More…

5FTF recap for March 27th, 2020

Honestly this month was not super eventful for interesting work done. Part of my day job with WebDevStudios has been affording us time during the week to work through a list of Javascript and Gutenberg online learning courses. Normally I had been doing that for a few hours every Friday. However, I decided to try Read More…