I have an idea for a post series that I want to write, featuring WordPress functions/classes/hooks/APIs that are not necessarily well known about features, but are actually pretty awesome. However, my list at the moment is still pretty small(and listed below). My intent with each post is going to be to talk about the featured item, explain what it does, generally how it works, why it’d be good to use, and then try to come up with some example uses to perhaps stimulate ideas for the reader. I think everyone involved would benefit from it as well. I know I would by learning through researching for each post, hopefully helping me become better in my freelancing. Everyone else would because they would be let known that these features exist and are available.
With that said, I am open to suggestions to add to this list, as well as any corrections, in case I got something wrong with what I already have. So here’s what I have so far.
- Hooks
- pre_get_posts
- current_filter
- after_setup_theme
- Transients
- Class
- Walkers
- WP_Error
- WP_Object_Cache
- Functions
- human_time_diff
- trailingslashit
- require_if_theme_supports
- wp_list_pluck
- wp_get_nav_menu_items
- antispambot
- wp_oembed_get
- get_page_by_path
- is_wp_error