On the heels of President Obama coming out in support of equal rights for same-sex marriage, pun intended, I must confess a growing <3 for SAM. SAM is the Sioux Area Metro, our local public transport. I am regularly looking for ways to reduce my expenses and lead a more frugal life. So far, I’ve Read More…
Michael is a seasoned developer who loves helping build stuff for the internet. He brings over a decade of varied experiences working with both front and back end developer stacks.
His primary focus has been WordPress and PHP and all the components that go along with them. During the day, he is a Backend Engineer with WebDevStudios, helping clients get the best that they can out of their own websites.
A very Mozillian weekend
Despite having a rundown of each day’s activities in an evernote note, I am going to get this blog post written and published before I forget any details. This may be a long post, be warned. Introduction As some of you may know, I was recently invited to an in-person documentation sprint with Mozilla, in Read More…
GMaiOSDtMC Fund: A Sort-of Success Story
What is the GMaiOSDtMC Fund? It is the “Get Michael an iOS device that makes calls” fund. However, this is more than just a story about “fundraising” for a trendy phone. This is a story about how awesome and amazing the internet is. I will be the first to admit that it wasn’t a very Read More…
Piwik Web Analytics
Earlier today in the WordPress IRC help channel, someone asked the question about what’s the “best” web traffic and analytics plugin that anyone knew about. I was answering with Google Analytics as that’s what I used and had low issue with. However, someone else mentioned Piwik, and being the curious type, I checked it out. Read More…
Entering 2012, What I want to do
This is an evolving list I’m sure, but I just wanted to get the initial one out the door. Feel free to add suggestions in thecomments. Move myself up to a more competitive position in rates Better understand Javascript and jQuery get my finances to a point of stability and being able to afford the Read More…
Web Development with Politics
I was curious to see what each current Presidential candidate used for their website management and which doctype they used. So I went on a little bit of view-source hunting. Candidates checked on: Ron Paul Mitt Romney Michele Bachmann Rick Santorum Jon Huntsman Newt Gingrich Rick Perry Gary Johnson Here are the results for each: Read More…