It’s a relaunch…sort of

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I took down the website so that I could implement WordPress as my CMS, that can be claimed as done. However, I missed the ability to blog, so I downloaded a theme and re-enabled everything.

However, as I am a firm believer in manning up in your own field, and I hope that this theme is not a permanent one, and that I implement my own work in the near future. I know I certainly have ambitious and big plans for and I am still in the beginning of it all.

Anyways, now I am back in some form and hopefully you’ll hear from me a bit more often about all your favorite graphic design, web design, and free software bits.

Michael is a seasoned developer who loves helping build stuff for the internet. He brings over a decade of varied experiences working with both front and back end developer stacks.

His primary focus has been WordPress and PHP and all the components that go along with them. During the day, he is a Support Engineer with WebDevStudios, helping clients get the best that they can out of their own websites.

Categories: Adventures, Ideas

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